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Bridging the Gap: Accelerating Affordable Housing in Atlanta with Innovative Multi-Family Developments

Affordable housing in the Atlanta metro area continues to be an important political, social, and economic issue. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Home Ownership Affordability Monitor gives the Atlanta - Sandy Springs - Roswell, GA area an April 2023 affordability index score of 83.3, indicating that an index score of less than 100 is considered "unaffordable". The City of Atlanta has committed to taking action to address affordable housing, including a public-private partnership with a $200 million infusion of funding to expedite the development of certain housing projects. This article highlights four ongoing multi-family housing developments in the Atlanta metropolitan area that could provide rent relief to residents.

In an effort to meet what the Federal Reserve has called Atlanta’s “lagging" affordable housing inventory, multifamily communities with a focus on reduced rents or senior housing are popping up around the metro.


affordable housing, real estate development & finance, real estate, multifamily real estate